What is leadership? Is it a social phenomenon; humanistic quality; a trait; a team-task issue; a functional necessity; situational requirement; or even a transcendental state of being? There are numerable questions out there and the list keeps getting longer.
Leadership is a subject that over the years has been widely debated and studied in great depth. A simple web search reveals a multitude of processes for looking at leadership, countless methods of interpreting its meaning and many ways of developing an individual leadership style. There are various media used to develop leadership, from theoretical lectures to practical programmes. The new BCU / UKCC Star Awards, for instance, will be embracing the principles of leadership throughout all the levels whereas before it was confined to the 5*. Does that mean we will have better and more aware paddling leaders?
What we must not forget though is that without followers you can't have leaders
Hi Mark, I'm enjoying you blog. Don is working on this eduaction paper to develop the model showing 7 sides of educational leadership. Don't know if you would be interested in that as part of your reserch? http://sevensides.typepad.com/seven_sides_of_educationa/ Cheers for now, Ollie.
Glad you like what you find here Ollie. I hope we all continue to add to the pot of knowledge that is leadership. By asking the right questions and discussing perspectives, we can then drive forward our understanding.
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